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Escort Services

An important thing to remember is that many of the clubs, such as those listed on our Clubs page, provide escort service. It's handy if you've met someone, or seen someone in a club and wish to see them in your own location.

Several local agencies now use a telephone payment system in order to view photos of escorts. This pay-to-view scheme is available only within the confines of the Netherlands at the present time, which is a good thing. It's extremely dodgy to charge to view. Avoid these agencies. Does the word "scam" mean anything to you? Stick to the straightforward agencies as listed below.

Many ladies work for a number of agencies and prices for the same lady may vary by agency. Check the listed rates.

We assign hearts ♥ to the agencies we list. Ratings are based upon several factors. Service (when applicable), website usefulness and presentation, quality of photographs, prices, etc. The Amsterdam goverment now assigns licenses to agencies. From 01-01-2010 it will be illegal to operate an agency without a licence. If a license is not displayed on an agencies website, avoid the agency.